Monday, November 5, 2012

Things I Am Thankful For

I have not blogged in a long time, but recently there has been a surge of blogging by Facebook friends and I realized that it is good for the soul to put stuff out there, so I am updating mine!  I am choosing today to list many of the things I am thankful for, this being Thanksgiving time and all.  So here it goes.

1.  My most valuable possession, my Husband.  He is my absolute best friend, and I feel like together, we can conquer ANYTHING.  He amazes me every single day with everything he is doing personally and professionally.  He is a wonderful husband, he will be a wonderful father, and I am completely proud to say that he is mine and that my world revolves around him.

2.  My baby boy!  I feel like I have known him my whole life.  I don't know why, I just feel so strongly connected to him, and would do anything for him.  I feel like I can take on anything in the world if it means doing it for him, and he isn't even due until January.

3. My parents.  They have always given everything they possibly can.  Never once did I ever feel unloved or like I didn't have anyone to turn to.  They made me feel like I could accomplish anything, and they showed me how a person who loves me should treat me.  I feel like I owe so much to them and I hope that I do as great of a job at making my child feel as loved as I always felt, and still feel.

4.  My brother.  Now that we are getting older and don't want to rip each others faces off all the time, I have to say he is turning into a pretty cool guy, probably because he has such an awesome sister ;)  He also amazes me at everything he is accomplishing, and I always brag that he has surpassed my accomplishments (at least academically) and I am 100% the overly proud sister who brags about "My brother, the law student"  who not only goes to law school, but kicks law schools ass!  Proud of him.

5.  The In-Laws.  I lucked out here!  I can say that I honestly look forward to spending time with these people!  We have had so many fun experiences and they have generously shared so many of their interests with me and included me from the start.  They have helped us in so many ways that I am beyond grateful for, the greatest one of course is sharing their son/brother with me!  I feel so fortunate for them.  Also, I have the most adorable niece in the world, who I have been lucky enough to know from the day she was born, and I cannot wait to see all of the things she does in her life.

6.  My animals.  They drive me nuts, puke on my floors, sometimes stink, and ruin my furniture with their claws and fur.  But damn it, they make me smile everyday and love me unconditionally no matter what mood I am in.  A home just isn't complete without a little animal chaos.

7.  I am thankful for much more but the baby in my belly is demanding food, so those things will have to wait until next time...

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