I officially started my 3rd trimester last week, so I thought it would be fun to reflect on what my pregnancy has been like thus far. In just about 11 weeks I should be holding my little baby boy, and I cannot wait. Everyone keeps telling me how fast time is going. I guess I can somewhat see their perspective. But for me, this has not exactly been a quick and speedy process. My little one and I have had quite the journey together, and while I have appreciated every single moment, and am so thankful that he is healthy as can be, he has also given me a few experiences that have really tested my mental and physical strength, as well as my husband's :)
First trimester was just hell. Complete and total hell. I was so sick, every day, all day. Couldn't eat or drink without being revisited by that food/beverage about 10 minutes later. I couldn't brush my teeth without puking for the first 14 weeks, which totally defeats the purpose of brushing them in the first place. There was NO food that tasted good. I was exhausted. There were days I would just hang out on the bathroom floor and sob in between puking spells, swearing to myself that I would NEVER get pregnant again, haha. My poor hubby did everything he could to comfort me. He did EVERYTHING! My laundry, cleaning, cooking, dog duty, etc etc...everything! I missed a lot of work. I pretty much just felt useless. Thank goodness Scott and my work were so understanding. To top it off, we decided to wait until the end of or first trimester to tell anyone in the family that we were expecting, so we were handling all of it on our own, which honestly, made it easier I think. It was kind of nice having that little secret, just the two of us, anyway :) I remember the first morning that I was able to brush my teeth and although my entire body tried to make it happen, I didn't puke!! I felt like I had just conquered the world. It wasn't the end of being sick though. To this day I still have moments, but at least by 14 weeks I was starting to function somewhat normally again.
2 Trimester was MUCH more exciting. Around 15 weeks I was sitting at my desk at work and felt what I would compare to 3 kernals of popcorn popping in my stomach. It was like nothing I had felt before, and thought it might be the baby, but I thought surely it would be too soon to feel any movement yet. I tried to talk myself out of it, but really I knew it was the little one, finally getting strong enough to make his/her presence known. And it was about time!! As I started feeling better, I could start enjoying the pregnancy more. All the movements were fun to feel as they got stronger, and I was really enjoying the fact that I could eat again! And although seeing my weight go up and up and up on the scale was/is somewhat terrifying, I was so happy when I finally started to see the appearance of a baby bump! At 19 weeks, we found out our little one was going to be a boy! Little Corey. Scott picked the name :) He gave us a little scare at the ultrasound as he was laying in a position that made it impossible for the tech to determine the sex. I was so worried I would have to wait even longer to find out that I was panicking. I could not wait another day, I had to know. Finally, after a lot of patience, and Scott making a joke which made me laugh to the point that it jostled the baby, we were finally able to get a good look. "YEP! No doubt about it, that is a boy!!!"
I think one of my most favorite parts about pregnancy so far is when Scott felt the baby move for the first time. Since I started feeling movement at 15 weeks, I wanted so badly for Scott to be able to experience it too. I don't know what it is about Scott, but no matter how much Little Corey is moving, the minute he puts his hand on my stomach, the baby calms right down and goes completely still. I guess I can understand, as Scott has always been a very calming influence on me, but COME ON BABY! Finally, it happened, and Corey gave a little kick to Daddy. The look on Scott's face is one that I will never forget. Words can't even describe it. I thought that I loved my husband as much as I possibly could until I got pregnant. After that, he is not just my husband. He is the father of my baby, and I see him in a completely new way. My love for him is even deeper now. We have made a PERSON together. One that will be a little bit me and a little bit him. That is amazing! He is going to be an awesome father.
There have been so many other amazing things about being pregnant. Getting to see my parents faces when they found out we were pregnant, when they found out we were having a boy, and when they got to feel the baby move! Seeing all of our families excitement over our greatest achievement is also extremely exciting and heartwarming. Getting to see the baby on the ultrasound monitor, hearing his heartbeat, feeling his kicks and movements getting stronger, learning his patterns, etc. Everything is just magical. I feel so connected to him, I felt like I have known him forever. He is getting so strong, sometimes I feel like he is trying to bust out early with all of his kicks and punches. And no matter how much they hurt, or even if they take my breath away, I smile at every single one. He definitely likes to make sure I know he's in there. He especially likes to let me know when he's hungry. Takes after his daddy.
I cannot describe how incredibly happy I am that I am in my 3rd and final trimester. I ache all over, can't sleep at all, pee every 30 minutes, and waddle like a hippo. I weigh the most I ever have in my life, I am in bed by 9pm and have a very hard time rolling out of bed before 7:30am. I can't breathe because my nose is plugged and my lungs are squished. My hands and feet go numb fairly regularly, and I have given up makeup just so I can stay in bed an extra 20 minutes every morning. It is safe to say that everything about my body has changed, and it is weird getting used to the feeling that you no longer have much control over what your body does anymore. But all of these things combined are more bearable than the misery I experienced during my first 3 months when I literally thought I was dying.
And yet, every second I am thankful that I am experiencing all of these normal things. My pregnancy, while not glamorous, has been perfect! Baby is healthy, his growth is always right on target (exactly to the day, every time). His heartbeat it strong, all body parts developing normally from what the ultrasounds can tell. I couldn't have asked for anything better. Every new symptom, even though I grunt a groan about them, also make me smile, because they wouldn't be happening if it wasn't for the little kiddo growing like a weed in my belly. All of it has been SO worth it. It has been the hardest, and yet the best experience of my life. All I have ever cared about in life is being a wife and mother, and I truly feel that my life is complete. Although I plan on at least 2 more babies in the future. I have never been happier, and it's only going to get better from here. I am so proud of the life the my husband and I are creating for ourselves and our children. It has been a long road, and lots of hard work. But we did it together and I couldn't imagine raising a family with anyone other than my Scottypoo. I could not be more content or fulfilled. I am so completely blessed and I am reminded of that every day.
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